Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dr Rauni Kilde on Swine Flu Conspiracy

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This article is basically an addendum to my previous article “No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!” There are a couple of reports that have come out recently, that are of special interest. One is a report by CBS News, and the other is a video by Finnish doctor, Rauni Kilde.

Before getting to those reports, I’d like to briefly discuss the Nuremberg Code, and a few other matters.

After WWII various Nazis were put on trial for war crimes—crimes against humanity. Among the Nazis put on trial were doctors who had performed horrific medical experiments on death camp inmates.

These doctors tried to excuse their atrocities by claiming that there were no laws that differentiated between what were legal, and illegal, experiments on humans. The Nuremberg Code was drawn up in response to that feeble excuse.

The Nuremberg Code has ten rules, or points. The first, and one assumes most important point, reads in part:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him/her to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Although the ten points of The Nuremberg Code were not officially incorporated into U.S. federal law, they were influential in framing the U.S. Department of HHS (Health and Human Services) Title 46, part 45, “Protection of Human Subjects.” The Nuremberg Code has also been inserted into the laws of several individual states.

That forced vaccinations are even being discussed, should make your blood run cold.

The cause of the current “pandemic” has been called variously, the “swine flu,” “novel H1N1,” and most recently, “2009 H1N1.”

Whatever you call it, 2009 H1N1 is almost certainly a “designer flu” cooked up in a laboratory. It contains elements of swine, avian, and human flus.

If you doubt that people are interested in “designer flus,” or that they exist, then I would suggest reading Jamie Shreeve’s New York Times article “Why Revive a Dead Flu Virus?”

It’s quite an interesting story, that includes a U.S. military pathology lab, the CDC, and an old Swedish Ph. D. exhuming long-dead Eskimo bodies in Alaska. God forbid that the killer Spanish Flu should vanish from the face of the earth.

Aside from the “pandemic” created by 2009 H1N1, there are the more troubling questions surrounding the vaccines purportedly designed to fight it. Why the fake pandemic, and the mad rush to get the whole world inoculated?”
Misanthropic attitudes of the Global elitists and Green Fascists

If you are familiar with the Progressive’s historic affinity for population control, then some deeply disturbing answers arise. Add to the mix, the misanthropic attitudes of the Global elitists and Green Fascists, and you come up with a chilling scenario.

That’s not hyperbole or alarmist cant. These people are quite open about their dismissive attitudes toward the value of human life, and their desire to substantially reduce the world’s population. It’s no secret—you merely need to research it.

The Global elitists also no longer see any need to hide their designs for a one world government, controlled by a Global Elite, and run under the auspices of the U.N.

Listen to former CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) chairman David Rockefeller. “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

It is not a “conspiracy theory”—it is a fact—and it is no secret.

I would suggest that the United States of America extricate itself from the U.N., and its insidious Agenda 21, post haste, and give the land that the U.N. building sits on, back to the Rockefellers.

But I digress.
Markedly lower number of cases of swine flu, than was being reported by the CDC

The first of the two reports that I want to pass onto you is a simple, short, video by Dr. Kilde of Finland. It speaks for itself. (Note: a “milliard” means a million in Finnish).

The second report that I’d like to share with you comes from CBS News. This report, along with ABC News journalist Jake Tapper’s defense of Fox News, gives you reason to hope that the news media are recovering some of their journalistic integrity.

At any rate, CBS News spent three months investigating the spread of the swine flu (2009 H1N1), and found that there was a markedly lower number of cases of swine flu, than was being reported by the CDC (not to mention the U.N.‘s WHO).

CBS was repeatedly stonewalled by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). According to CBS, the CDC “did not respond to questions from CBS News for this report.” Too busy coming up with statistics, I guess.

Also of interest, is a report by Dr. Mercola, on the CBS investigation.

Dr. Mercola advises that we:

* [Take vitamin D]. Vitamin D has been well documented to increase the production of over 200 anti-microbial peptides that fight infection.
* Eliminate sugar from your diet as that will impair your immune response
* Get plenty of rest
* Exercise appropriately

In conclusion, I strongly advise against getting inoculated with any 2009 H1N1 vaccine. Because of the present “emergency,” these vaccines have bypassed the FDA’s normal testing procedures, and there is, by law, no way to sue the pharmaceutical companies who manufacture the vaccines. If you get negative physical blow-back from the vaccine (maybe quickly, maybe years down the road), that’s just too bad.

Source Laus Deo.

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