Wednesday, September 10, 2014

You Got Served, or Rather, Censored

As an HP parent, I am concerned that such freedoms are, in fact, threated in our great country, right here, right now, in our present day and in regard to something so fundamental as our health.

A local news station here in Austin, TX performs a monthly public service by hosting town hall meetings. The topics address concerns of citizens. The meetings are presented in panel formats for discussion and optimal information gathering, overall, a great, diplomatic format. This month’s topic revolved around the growing numbers of Central Texas parents who question the safety of vaccines and who choose not to vaccinate and in so doing, Central Texas numbers of unvaccinated children are growing. The four panelists included: two pediatricians; our state NVIC director and president of PROVE (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Information); and the founder and chief homeopath at Austin Clinic of Homeopathy. As you can imagine, this HP parent was excited to cheer on a loved one as he represented and explained homeoprophylaxis for the public, and of course, as an HP parent, was also more than happy to attend and testify publically to the viability of HP for promoting and educating the immune system. We have direct experience with Little Man on our side.

On a national level, the recent revelations by a Dr. Thompson about the overt cover-ups perpetrated by officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the dangers of the MMR in the population, and particularly the African American population, has concerned citizens up in arms. Rightly so, questions about how well we can trust these organizations and the science they generate regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines should be asked, and frequently, particularly when there is special interest involved. When the board that licenses and governs vaccine manufacture is also the board that purportedly analyzes the risks and safety for the population is one and the same, absolute power corrupts and does so absolutely. Censorship on this topic is often swift and unyielding, sites and professionals are discredited, studies vanish and previously public documents disappear.

Censorship on this topic is far reaching but never before have I witnessed it so close to home and to have loved ones involved.

Interestingly enough, only days before the town hall meeting, we received word that two of the panelists had to cancel and the venue could no longer agree to be the location for this type of discussion. No detailed explanations were offered, there was no room for conversation. In essence, there was pressure to cancel discussions and information sharing regarding alternatives to the vaccine paradigm and open questioning of its authority. There are no motions for rescheduling the event as of yet.

What is so dangerous about parents and interested citizens gathering to discuss options for health? Why can we not have an open information for such important topics as the prevention of infectious disease? 

The take home from this personal experience - HP parents already question, they seek, they dig, they do not accept on blind faith the words espoused by the vaccine industry. My hope is that all citizens begin to wonder that if something is so wonderful and safe, why are we not encouraged to gather, to discuss, or to know the specifics and the details. Many parents want to believe that their best interests and the interests of their children are taken into account when these local, statewide or national decisions in the name of health are made. These types of censorship tactics serve only to increase the sentiment that we are not being told the full vaccine story.

Parents, no matter what road you choose to educate your child’s immune system, know the full story, dig and discuss. Don’t let them feed you a tag line, find out the unadulterated facts. While we are never guaranteed immunity to any disease by the nature of our humanity, we can still make informed decisions. We are the ripple effect that will change the tides of our culture.
Cheers to your health and wellbeing.


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