Monday, March 26, 2012

“We don’t want people to see what actually goes into the caucuses.”

March 24, 2012
by Tim

There has been a lot of talk this year in regards to voter fraud and rigging of votes. It seems every election year this is the case. However rarely do we get blatant statements such as, “We don’t want people to see what actually goes into the caucuses.”

In the following clip Bryan Spencer talks about such rigging in St. Charles, Missouri.

He tells why the media was trusted to have cameras, but citizens were not allowed and how the police were notified in advance.

So what happened as a result? Well in case you missed it the following video shows exactly what took place. Missouri had actually anticipated that the majority of caucus goers would favor Ron Paul. According to Doug Tweed, “A pre-arranged delegate slate of Republican insiders would be voted on and declared won by acclamation, over the voices of protest by the attendees. If the majority didn’t like it they could complain. If the numbers were too great and the deception too obvious, the temporary chairman would provoke the crowd and by pre-arrangment police would be called in to shut down the event. The latter proved quite easy.”

They then announced that all video would be banned. Can you believe that? Even video cell phones. That is a First Amendment right and if they were honest that should have actually kept them from ever being declared to have rigged anything. However, in declaring that, the crowd was not happy and thus the police they had waiting were called in.

A former GOP County Chairman and Ron Paul supporter, who is handicapped, was in the process of giving instructions to Ron Paul supporters outside, telling them when and where to meet. The temporary chairman then followed him outside and had the police arrest him and escort him away in handcuffs.

The GOP voters, as a whole, are not happy with any of the candidates and have such let it be made known vocally and by the low voter turnout in the primaries. The GOP wants to force Mitt Romney on the GOP voters as their only choice and the GOP voters will once again, just as they did in 2008, “hold their noses and vote” the team’s jersey.

Tim Brown

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