Monday, June 27, 2011

Lose Weight And Burn Stomach Fat: Can Vegetables Help?

June 27, 2011
Darin Steen
Source: Darin Steen's Fatloss Lifestyle Blog

The first point to make is that there are man-made chemicals in our food and in our environment. These herbicides, pesticides and petrochemicals have an estrogenic effect in our bodies. This problem can increase belly fat on men and women.

Specifically, these chemicals are called xenoestrogens, and being exposed to them through the environment, our food and our water is one factor that can stimulate your body to hold onto belly fat. You can eat organic and live in a low pollution environment, but you will still be exposed to some degree to xenoestrogens. They are in household cleaners and even cosmetics.

So how can you combat these xenoestrogens so they are not causing your body to hold onto excess stomach fat?

That’s where the following types of vegetables can help.
There are many types of vegetables that have compounds which can help fight the effects of xenoestrogens. One of the most powerful are cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and even, believe it or not, brussels sprouts (so our parents were actually telling us the truth).

These cruciferous vegetables contain unique compounds (phytonutrients), such as indole 3-carbinol (I3C) that can help combat the effects of xenoestrogens in your body. Therefore, they can help you to burn your abdominal fat more effectively.

On a side note, these cruciferous vegetables also contain a phytochemical by the name of sulforaphane. Lab studies show that sulforaphane can stimulate enzymes in the body that will detoxify cancer forming substances, or carcinogens, before they cause any damage to the cells.

Cruciferous vegetables also contain Crambene, which is also an anticarcinogen. And research suggests that there is some important synergy between the various compounds found in these vegetables. It has been discovered that crambene is more active as an anticarcinogen when combined with indole 3-carbinol.”>

Studies have also shown that cruciferous vegetables can help rid the body of harmful molecules called oxygen-free radicals, produced by the body, that increase the risk of developing many different types of cancers, among these being prostate and breast cancer.

It seems that mother nature has been looking out for us right from the start. Without any human intervention, there has existed right under our noses a natural, healthy and tasty vegetable that detoxes our body of xenoestrogens and carcinogens, and helps to balance the body’s natural process of storing fat on the body.

To get the most benefit out of your cruciferous vegetables, it is best to not over cook them. This removes much of the crambeme that is present, and can reduce the vegetables ability to rid your body of the oxygen-free radicals that increase the risk of serious health problems.

A good method is to lightly steam or briefly stir fry them until they are soften, but still retain some “crunch”. This also will ensure that they are thoroughly enjoyed, as most of the cruciferous vegetables are very delicious when they retain some of their texture.

So, not only can you eat broccoli and cauliflower for its delicious taste, you can also eat it to help lose your excess stomach fat.

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